OpenMS Git Workflow

Before getting started, install latest version of git to avoid problems like GitHub https authentication errors (see Troubleshooting cloning errors and a solution using ssh).

OpenMS follows the git flow workflow. The difference is that merge commits are managed via pull requests instead of creating merge commits locally.

Naming conventions

Naming conventions for the following apply:

  • A local repository is the repository that lies on your hard drive after cloning.

  • A remote repository is a repository on a git server such as GitHub.

  • A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.

  • Origin refers to a remote repository that you have forked. Call this repository

  • Upstream refers to the original remote OpenMS repository. Call this repository

Create fork

Start by forking the OpenMS repository.

To create a fork, click Fork under the main menu as shown below.

image info

Clone your fork

To obtain a local repository copy, clone your fork using:

$ git clone

This will clone your fork (correctly labelled origin by default) into a local copy on your computer.


To use git clone, make sure you have SSH key added to your GitHub account.

Keep your fork in sync

Keep your fork (origin) in sync with the OpenMS repository (upstream) by following the GitHub instructions. In summary, to keep your fork in sync:

  1. Fetch changes from upstream and update your local branch.

  2. Push your updated local branch to your fork (origin).


To keep track of others repositories, use git fetch --all --prune to update them as well. The option --prune tells git to automatically remove tracked branches if they got removed in the remote repository.

$ git fetch --all --prune
$ git checkout develop
$ git merge --ff-only upstream/develop
$ git push origin develop

Feel free to experiment within your fork. However, for your code needs to meet OpenMS quality standards to be merged into the OpenMS repository,

Follow these rules:

  • Never commit directly to the develop or master branches as it will complicate the merge.

  • Try to start every feature from develop and not base features on other features.

  • Name the OpenMS remote upstream and always push directly to origin (git push origin <branch-name>).

  • When updating your fork, consider using git fetch upstream followed by git merge --ff-only upstream/develop to avoid creating merge commits in develop.

  • If you never commit to develop this should always succeed and (if a commit accidentally went to develop) warn you instead of creating a merge commit.

Create new feature

All features start from develop.

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b feature/your-cool-new-feature

All commits related to this feature will then go into the branch feature/your-cool-new-feature.

Keeping your feature branch in sync with develop branch

While working on your feature branch, it is usual that development continues and new features get integrated into the main development branch. This means your feature branch lags behind develop. To get your feature branch up-to-date, rebase your feature branch on develop using:

$ git checkout feature/myfeaturebranch
$ git rebase develop

The above commands:

  1. Performs a rewind of your commits until the branching point.

  2. Applies all commits that have been integrated into develop.

  3. Reapplies your commits on top of the commits integrated into develop.

For more information, refer to a visual explanation of rebasing.


Do not rebase published branches (e.g. branches that are part of a pull request). If you created a pull request, you should only add commits in your feature branch to fix things that have been discussed. After your pull request contains all fixes, you are ready to merge the pull request into develop without rebasing (see e.g. rebase-vs-merge).

Adding a feature to OpenMS

Features that should go into the main development line of OpenMS should be integrated via a pull request. This allows the development community of OpenMS to discuss the changes and suggest possible improvements.

After opening the pull request via the GitHub web site, GitHub will try to create the pull request against the branch that you branched off from. Please check the branch that you are opening the pull request against before submitting the pull request. If any changes are made, a new pull request is required. Select Allow others to make changes to this pull request so that maintainers can directly help to solve problems.

Open pull requests only after checking code-style, documentation and passing tests. Pull requests that do not pass CI or code review will not be merged until the problems are solved. It is recommended that you read the pull request guidelines before you submit a pull request.

Update git submodules

Start in your local OpenMS/OpenMS repository (on your feature/pull request branch).

The following example uses a submodule called THIRDPARTY.

$ git submodule update --init THIRDPARTY
# yes, in the submodules the default remote is origin
# usually you want to pull the changes from master (e.g. after your pull request to OpenMS/THIRDPARTY has been merged)
$ git pull origin master
$ cd ..
$ git status
# Make sure that you see "modified:   THIRDPARTY (new commits)"
$ git commit -am "updated submodule"