
Proteomics and metabolomics focus on complex interactions within biological systems; the former is centered on proteins while the latter is based on metabolites. To understand these interactions, we need to accurately identify the different biological components involved.

Liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS) are the analytical techniques used to isolate and identify biological components in proteomics and metabolomics. LC-MS data can be difficult to analyze manually given its amount and complexity. Therefore, we need specialized software that can analyze high-throughput LC-MS data quickly and accurately.

Why use OpenMS

OpenMS is an open-source, C++ framework for analyzing large volumes of mass spectrometry data. It has been specially designed for analyzing high performance LC-MS data but over recent times, has been extended to analyze data generated by other techniques.


OpenMS in recent times has been expanded to support a wide variety of mass spectrometry experiments. To design your analysis solution, contact the OpenMS team today.

To use OpenMS effectively, an understanding of chromatography and mass spectrometry is required as many of the algorithms are based on these techniques. This section provides a detailed explanation on LC and MS, and how they are combined to identify and quantify substances.